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YJSimpleGrid Framework Template Manager is one of the most interesting features our framework has to offer. We combined most used and most asked features and put them in a beautifully styled tabs for easy access and fast editing. YJSG templates admin is Ajax powered which speeds up the editing and saving process. Please see below YJSG template manager screenshots for more information.
System check tab will provide you with important information in case you turn on/off specific template settings like LESS compiler or Component off switch. It also provides live information about latest YJSG version.
Style manager will let you adjust your default template style, default font size and default font-family. You can also use elements tags overrides to set specific font-family for assigned selectors. Visit Advanced docs category to see how you can add more @font-face kits or Google Fonts .
All YJSG based templates come with support for 5 different menu styles. SmoothDropdown,SmoothDropline, Dropdown, Dropline, Split Menu. There is also an option called Menu Module Position which will turn off built in menu type and let you use the top menu container as a module position. This way you can publish your custom menus in module position name topmenupoz.
Layout tab is where all the magic happens. This tab controls widths and layout for all available module grids. Each backend grid resembles frontend grid layout as you see it in template index.php file. This tab also contains your logo and header block settings which gives you additional control over your website layout.
Additional features tab is where you would find custom parameters for Google Analytics, Text direction settings, IE6/7/8 notices, Mediaelement switch, footer links or site credits switch.
Advanced Options tab contains responsive settings switch, built in sidebar settings, LESS compiler settings, Bootstrap version/off switch, frontpage news items control and component off switch.
Custom code tab is where you can add your own CSS, javascript, before head tag, after head tag, before body tag and after body tag code snippets to further extend or override default YJSG behaviour.